Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Handicapped Parking Complaint Draws Backlash

Q: I have never written in to your column before. Today I can no longer remain quiet after reading Bob Burke’s letter regarding handicapped persons parking in handicap stalls when regular stalls are available. Your response that the disabled have every right to do so was right on!

I can’t tell you the number of times I have parked in a regular parking stall, only to have a big SUV or a lousy parker pull in next to me, so close that I cannot get my walker into my car, much less squeeze myself into the driver’s seat. I think Mr. Burke’s energy would be better spent questioning why able-bodied folks park in a handicap stall.

Don’t stress over why handicapped people use them. We would gladly switch places with the non-handicapped any day of the year.

Sandy Myers, Brentwood

A: Bob Burke’s comments set off a Roadshow firestorm. Here’s more:

Q: I have a handicapped parking placard, as I have arthritis in both knees. In some ways, I agree with Bob when dealing with handicapped parking spaces. If there are general and handicapped spaces close together, I use the general space, as I can manage a few extra steps.

A major issue I have is when a driver who is not handicapped uses a handicapped space, while the person for whom the placard or plate was issued remains in the vehicle.

Bruce Beyer, Sunnyvale

A: Bruce says you can report misuse of handicapped parking spaces through the “Parking Mobility” app,

Q: I grew up with my father and grandmother in wheelchairs, long before special parking places were considered. That taught me to be considerate of the needs of handicapped people, long before I needed my own placard after a very bad fall.

I have aggravated my back and twisted my ankles trying to get into my car when I could not open the door far enough to get in. That is why handicapped parking spaces are wider to begin with. Why those of us authorized to use them prefer them even when regular parking spaces are available.

From Bob Burke’s letter, he has never considered the difficulties of getting back into a vehicle. He also doesn’t understand that a handicapped person may have been dropped off and someone else parking the vehicle and joining them, which is perfectly legal.

Please think about what you or a family member might need if you require handicapped spaces in the future!

Iva Jones

A: You raise valid points. Many people forget that they, or family members, may need handicapped parking someday, and things will look very different to them when they do.

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